

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and Caroline!

So I have had a busy week and unfortunately have developed a bit of a cold. Yuck. Hopefully it will get better soon since I only have two weeks left of classes this term! It is hard for me to focus on reading today but perhaps I will feel better tomorrow morning? Fingers crossed!

Indian food
Delicious scones! 
Caroline came to visit me and even though the trip was much too short it was so wonderful to see her. Sometimes you forget just how much you miss your friends that you have known since you were 12 years old. Being away has really made me appreciate the friends and family that I have back home and how important they are in my life. It was nice to have that close friend who knows you so well just hanging out with you. My flatmate Liz made us an excellent meal! Than we went to a "New York" style bar in my neighborhood, which was odd but cool. The next day we went for afternoon tea and the scones and clotted cream we so delicious! And we saw Harry Potter and got Indian food on Brick Lane. Overall it was a very successful (bit it short) visit. The next time I see her it will be my birthday and we will be heading to Edinburgh to celebrate the new year!

Alex stuffed
Turkey carving-yum

My flat and the flat next door decided to throw a Thanksgiving dinner party and it was a major success! We made turkey, sweet potatoes, appetizers, cranberry sauce, roasted veggies, stuffing (I made my dad's delicious corn bread stuffing and it was fantastic), pumpkin pie, pecan pie and a lot more.
They issue we encountered (besides all us Americans attempting our first Thanksgiving with out our families) was the oven! The oven's here are terrible and it takes a million times longer for things to cook. I miss a real family kitchen. Soon though!
Our Feast! 

Flat 5 (my flat)

I saw a play for 10 pounds yesterday called Onassis and it was pretty good. We were in the front row and got wet because a prominent feature in the play is a water feature on the front of the stage....

I have one last formative essay due next Friday and than I have a summative essay due the second week in January but thats it (until next term:) I'm excited for the holidays and my break! Its getting colder and colder here everyday. Oh winter.

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