

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Sorry its been awhile since my last posting!

Many crazy things have happened in London over the past couple weeks. Personally, I finished my essays (the formative one's that do not count for anything) which is a relief. Although I have to wait another 2 weeks to get feedback on those. I've just been studying, heading to class and enjoying London!

If you didn't see the NY times coverage or any other coverage, university students in London protested (50,000) of them to try and convince the government not to raise the fees next year to 9,000 pounds ($14,000). It is a really big deal here because the government has not charged students very much to attend university and this will be a big change and many think a move towards privatization of universities (much like in the US). For the sake of these students and knowing the cost of US universities I hope they figure something else out. Much of the US media coverage focused on the students who got violent, kicked down glass, graffitied government buildings and started fires. Of course that did happen and it was crazy but there were about 50,000 other students and staff that marched peacefully.

Big news of the week Prince William gave his girlfriend (or a million years) Kate Middleton his mothers engagement ring! Its is big news here, since the wedding is predicted to be held next Spring or Summer. Perhaps I will be around to witness it with hundreds of thousands of Brits. Fingers crossed. I guess bookies are already gearing up! This will not be a budget wedding.
For more detailed interview with the couple (British love)

I went on some mini adventures to hidden cathedrals, margaritas (although Mexican food will never be good) and I had a global program pot luck dinner!

I am trying to finish next weeks reading my Friday because Caroline (one of my best friends) is visiting from Bordeaux France! Its a short trip but I'm very excited!

Have a nice Wednesday.


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