

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A London Experience? Yeah, lets call it that.

Hey everyone! 

So I have a story to tell. On Tuesday night my flatmate broke a glass in our communal kitchen and, even though I knew this fact, and realizing that there could still be glass in the kitchen, I stupidly walked into the kitchen for a snack, barefoot (big mistake) and stepped on a piece of glass! 

Tuesday night, me and my roommate Liz tried to get this piece of glass out with a tweezer and we thought we got it but we weren't sure. I woke up the next morning and I realized that my foot still hurt so I decided that after my 10 am seminar I would go to the on campus doctor. So I hobbled over to the doctors office, got an appointment and was told that I need to go to the big university hospital to get an x-ray! Crazy! Of course there was a tube strike that day and I did not know what bus to take so I walked. Well I limped 45 min to the hospital. Once I made it, I went into the basement, waited an hour and 20 min to get registered, than 30 more to see the doctor, got my x-ray and as it turned out, I did have a sliver/shard of glass in the heal of my foot. So, I had to go up to emergency, wait 2 hours and finally saw a doctor. My mini "operation" took place in a room that doubles as a storage room (oh socialized medicine:) My doctor was great, from Dublin. He gave me a few options before we got started: 1. Make a wider sliver, try to get out the sliver (and numb my foot with a shot), 2. If it doesn't work you might need to stay overnight?! 3. Leave it in and perhaps it will absorb to your body, or your body will release it or it will infect your entire foot and be terrible. I decided to go with the mini surgery:)
 And after an hour he got the sliver out! It was surprisingly bigger than I thought and I got to keep it as a souvenir... I felt silly the whole day because I was in the hospital for a sliver of glass? It was ridiculous but necessary to get it out. 

So I got home around 6 pm. My entire Wednesday was spent in the hospital. It was an interesting experience but not something you would ever want to do. Moral? Wear shoes or thick socks all the time. I am much better now! 

And last night I saw some fireworks in Clapham! I mean the tube was really crowded and we only saw about 10 min but it was cool. Celebrating Guy Fawkes day. Guy Fawkes day 

"Dates back to the failed 1605 attempt by a group of English Catholics (among them Guy Fawkes) to assassinate King James I of England and blow up the Houses of Parliament. The day is also known as Bonfire Night because of the fireworks displays and sparklers that people light" 

For more information check out:

Now I have to write my essays and read some articles. Happy Saturday! 

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