

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Week of School

Hello Everyone!

First week of classes down, a lot more to go. This week was an introductory week of sorts. We participated in lecture (large classes) but did not have any seminar (more intimate, smaller sessions). I am taking 3 required courses and a stat class and one media class (of my choosing).

My schedule is sort of silly (especially Tuesday) but I have Friday off! The academic school year in the UK is very different from the US system. It will take some getting use to (much more independence) but I just got to handle it.

This weekend was really nice. I went to have traditional tea in the Crypt of Saint Martins in the Fields which had excellent clotted cream. We have decided to create a "saving tea jar" to afford an expensive afternoon tea. I went out to a London bar The Porterhouse, with people from my globals programme and we danced to a great 4 piece band who loved American pop and rock music (including Bon Jovi, Black Eyed Peas and Prince).

Friday I went to Borough Market which is this 200 year old, partially outdoor market that sells really fantastic cheese, meat, bread, dessert, fruit and cider to name a few. It was a lovely day in London and I even splurged and got a falafel. It was delicious.

I got a bit of a cold this weekend but I think I have gotten over that, fingers crossed.

Today was another lovely day in London. I mean it was 70 degrees, blue sky very unlike traditional London weather! And this evening my flatmate cooked all of us a traditional Indian dinner and it was delicious! We decided to switch off weeks and everyone is going to make a "traditional" meal from our country of origin.

More to come!

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