

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ello Govna!

I guess its been awhile since I wrote but I have been reading a lot for school and trying to do some interesting things around London.

Classes went better for me this past week. I feel more comfortable in my seminar groups, because we are all getting to know each other better and are more opening to presenting our ideas to one another. I started my stat class and I am not sure how that is going to go. Graphs, numbers and equations aren't my thing but hopefully I can make it through! Our formative essays are due in 2 weeks. Although these essays are not graded they are the only feedback we will have from our professors before our final exams in the summer and/or final essays in the new year...

I registered for my 2 hour a week Mandarin class and some how I have been placed in the intermediate level. Ah! There wasn't much of an evaluation it was just the instructor asking me, "how long have you taken classes?" "How many hours in total?" So I guess it will "all come back to me". Will see...

I ate really delicious vegan Indian food, which might seem as though it would unappetizing but in reality it was yummy! I went with some of the students who are in the Fudan program and we are all a bit apprehensive about what to expect but we are trying just to focus on one year at a time:)

I had a really nice and relaxing weekend. On Sunday I went to Apple Day at Borough Market, which was really nice because it was a lovely, brisk, fall day just perfect for celebrating all things apple. For those who do not know, I love apples. And having a day to celebrate them is essential in my book. The vendors had delicious cider, pie and fritters. The day even had a mini parade of locals, dressed in medieval costumes (although I'm not sure why) and they sang for us. Although they cannot make taffy apples. Their taffy apples are more of a hard sugar over an apple, which makes it almost impossible to eat because it is so hard. Perhaps one day they will learn. 

This weekend is Halloween and I am not sure of my plans yet because they celebrate the holiday here but not as much as in the states but I want to get dressed up so hopefully I can find something, well think of something first and than find it. 

There are 4 birthdays this week in my program so we are all celebrating Wednesday and Friday night. I am going to attempt to bake something in my crummy kitchen. Fingers crossed! 


Ps We went to a Rugby game and it was super cold but really exciting! 

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