

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ello Govna!

I guess its been awhile since I wrote but I have been reading a lot for school and trying to do some interesting things around London.

Classes went better for me this past week. I feel more comfortable in my seminar groups, because we are all getting to know each other better and are more opening to presenting our ideas to one another. I started my stat class and I am not sure how that is going to go. Graphs, numbers and equations aren't my thing but hopefully I can make it through! Our formative essays are due in 2 weeks. Although these essays are not graded they are the only feedback we will have from our professors before our final exams in the summer and/or final essays in the new year...

I registered for my 2 hour a week Mandarin class and some how I have been placed in the intermediate level. Ah! There wasn't much of an evaluation it was just the instructor asking me, "how long have you taken classes?" "How many hours in total?" So I guess it will "all come back to me". Will see...

I ate really delicious vegan Indian food, which might seem as though it would unappetizing but in reality it was yummy! I went with some of the students who are in the Fudan program and we are all a bit apprehensive about what to expect but we are trying just to focus on one year at a time:)

I had a really nice and relaxing weekend. On Sunday I went to Apple Day at Borough Market, which was really nice because it was a lovely, brisk, fall day just perfect for celebrating all things apple. For those who do not know, I love apples. And having a day to celebrate them is essential in my book. The vendors had delicious cider, pie and fritters. The day even had a mini parade of locals, dressed in medieval costumes (although I'm not sure why) and they sang for us. Although they cannot make taffy apples. Their taffy apples are more of a hard sugar over an apple, which makes it almost impossible to eat because it is so hard. Perhaps one day they will learn. 

This weekend is Halloween and I am not sure of my plans yet because they celebrate the holiday here but not as much as in the states but I want to get dressed up so hopefully I can find something, well think of something first and than find it. 

There are 4 birthdays this week in my program so we are all celebrating Wednesday and Friday night. I am going to attempt to bake something in my crummy kitchen. Fingers crossed! 


Ps We went to a Rugby game and it was super cold but really exciting! 

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Love Friday

Hello everyone!
The sunny day ended with a beautiful sunset 

This was the first week of lecture and seminar. It was a bit intimidating in one of my seminars but I think (or I hope) that in time I will be able to feel more comfortable in my smaller group sessions.

I don't know if I told you but I need to take a stat class! Ahhh! You know me and math, we don't really click but I think this will be ok. I am not feeling as nervous about it as I was earlier.

St Paul's Cathedral 
Mosaic across the Thames 
I had a stressful week but so far the weekend has been great and interesting! On Tuesday I saw 3 really diverse and fantastic bands at Madame Jo Jo's and was introduced to the band Glasser. They are a really stellar band. Although my other Global peers and I learned that the British are "too cool" to dance. I mean they don't even move their arms or heads. They don't even sway or tap their feet. The four of us were dancing up a storm to the rocking techno beats and giving it our all while the Brits simply stared and judged. It was a real sight.

If you aren't dancing you aren't living.

We found delicious pizza which is priced by weight and so if you get a less popular pizza then its cheaper but where's the fun in that?

My next plan is to find a great hip hop club....wish me luck with that. Hopefully there are some people in  London who actually enjoy movement.
Giant Fish head at Borough Market

I went to the Soho area and it is crowded every night of the week. It is the hip, theatre district and they have great bars and clubs (also where the awesome pizza place is located). And we found a bar called Argyle that serves one beer for 2.27 pounds a pint! Thats crazy for soho and London in general.

Today me and some of the other global students went to Borough Market, tasted every sample imaginable and then made out way along the thames to a wine and cheese "fest" which was more like a smaller version on Borough Market but they did have some nice wine.

Tomorrow is Spitalfields Market to decorate my drab dorm room and then off to a Rugby game...

New words:

Global Students
Hipsters: too cool for everyone, tight pant wearing, ray bands, grandma glasses, chimney sweeper boots, suspenders, bow ties, plaid shirts, brick lane living, 20 somethings). They exist in the US but I think they originated in London.

Bobbles- ornaments. Haha

The British also like to sign their text messages with "xo" its sort of off-putting but it grows on you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Week of School

Hello Everyone!

First week of classes down, a lot more to go. This week was an introductory week of sorts. We participated in lecture (large classes) but did not have any seminar (more intimate, smaller sessions). I am taking 3 required courses and a stat class and one media class (of my choosing).

My schedule is sort of silly (especially Tuesday) but I have Friday off! The academic school year in the UK is very different from the US system. It will take some getting use to (much more independence) but I just got to handle it.

This weekend was really nice. I went to have traditional tea in the Crypt of Saint Martins in the Fields which had excellent clotted cream. We have decided to create a "saving tea jar" to afford an expensive afternoon tea. I went out to a London bar The Porterhouse, with people from my globals programme and we danced to a great 4 piece band who loved American pop and rock music (including Bon Jovi, Black Eyed Peas and Prince).

Friday I went to Borough Market which is this 200 year old, partially outdoor market that sells really fantastic cheese, meat, bread, dessert, fruit and cider to name a few. It was a lovely day in London and I even splurged and got a falafel. It was delicious.

I got a bit of a cold this weekend but I think I have gotten over that, fingers crossed.

Today was another lovely day in London. I mean it was 70 degrees, blue sky very unlike traditional London weather! And this evening my flatmate cooked all of us a traditional Indian dinner and it was delicious! We decided to switch off weeks and everyone is going to make a "traditional" meal from our country of origin.

More to come!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cumberland Lodge


Yesterday I returned from a weekend retreat to Cumberland Lodge. The retreat was really great and I got to meet, interact and get to know more the the student's in my specific program. The lodge was only about 45 min outside London but it was beautiful and felt like another world (which was surprisingly fantastic). 

Brief history: 

Cumberland Lodge, the largest house in Windsor Great Park, was built in 1652 on land which Oliver Cromwell had appropriated from the Crown. The land was sold to one Lieutenant John Byfield for the sum of £4,000.

In 1660 the lodge became the home of the Ranger of the Great Park, an offer as a gift from the King and Queen. Queen Victoria frequented the lodge, as did King George the III and many others. Now the lodge is used to house university students or seminars/conferences for people to talk and connect on a personal level. 

Today I also started classes. The system is very different here and this week we have an opportunity to "shop around" lectures and see what interests us most before seminars start next week. I shall keep you posted on my choices and coursework! 


Friday, October 1, 2010

Flatmates and Green Walls

Here are a few photos of my flatmates!

Alex and Liz drinking at a traditional pub. Bitter Ale and Wheat Beer. 

A nice Londoner took our photo (even though it didn't end up that great).

Green Wall I was walking through the financial district trying to find Citibank and I stumbled across this living green wall! It was so cool! Chicago was considering implementing them, but I am afraid the the climate is not conducive and they would be brown and dead most of the time. But they are considering implementing them in Oregon! 

A real live tourist


Well I had my first programme (that's how they spell it here, very posh) orientation and department orientation. Not much was really finalized but I met the people in my specific program, which is one year in London and the second year in Shanghai and, drum roll please, there are 8 people! (possibly 10?) I guess that is more than half the size of last years program which consisted of about 20 people. Perhaps it is all for the best though.

Classes officially begin on Monday! As of now I am taking my required courses and one elective on The Audience in Media and Communication. We will see how it goes. You are allowed to audit classes as well and just check them out to see if they are a right fit for you.

The British University system is, so far, much different then the US. We have already chosen our courses for Lent term (Spring term) and in Summer Term we have exams and larger papers do for course in Michaelmas term and Lent term. It will be an adjustment for sure.

Well this afternoon some people in my programme and in my department are going to spend tonight and tomorrow night at Cumberland Lodge. Its about 1 hour and a half outside of London. It is what a Londoner would call, "the real England". I am excited for the retreat and will take many photos!

It is amazing how international London is. I bet 1 in every 10 people you meet are actually from the UK (could be a slight exaggeration). My University is 70% international students. From that statistic alone you can see just how diverse and appealing London is to the rest of the world.

I was a bona fide tourist yesterday and got a chance to see the famous places in London. These including Buckingham Palace (although I was 20min late for the Changing of the Guard, which happens on all even numbered days in Sept and Oct) and James Park. James Park is so lovely and there is so much green space in London! Its a TPL employees paradise ;) ;)

I also saw Trafalgar Square and went into the basement of St Martins in the Fields. I am planning on going back when it gets colder for their traditional afternoon tea. Although I am sad to say that it is much larger (they expanded) and not as secretive as it once was. I guess tourists can find it more easily but I miss how exclusive it use to be.

I stopped into the National Portrait Gallery and walked to the Thames to see the London Eye and Parliament. The weather was absolutely lovely yesterday, while today it is wet. Very wet. Oh London.

Off to pack and to the Lodge! I will write more soon!

Also check out my facebook page for photos or my flickr photo stream!