

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Here!

Hi Everyone,

Just letting you know that I made it to London. I got to my dorm around noon today. My dorm room is like any dorm room, a bit boring and basic. It will be my goal to decorate it to my wonderful and crazy taste:)

The weather was so lovely today. I am pretty sure it will not be this nice later on this fall, winter and probably spring but at least I arrived to a pleasant day. Perhaps it was fated? I walked to Tesco Market (sort of like Wal Mart or a lesser Target). I got basics (towels, hair dryer, plates etc). It was really interesting having to buy things and sort things out on my own. But I took the bus back and couldn't remember the name of my stop so I got off 2 exits too early. Oops. Its all a learning process:)

I feel sort of surreal today. I mean I don't think it has really registered with me that I am living in London, in Europe on a different continent. I am trying to ease into this slowly so towels and groceries were a nice start.

But I didn't sleep a wink on that plane!


1 comment:

  1. So what's happening? No news! Enquiring minds want to know!
