

Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Week

Sorry for not writing more about my first week in London. I have been trying to get adjusted to the time change, my neighborhood and my overall emotional state:)

Here is a picture of my room (I decorated it a bit because it was a little boring):
Its late Sunday night here. I just went to a local pub (Bar Lounge I believe was its perfectly titled name) with 5 of my 6 flatmates to grab a pint. Today was the last day to move in, so my flatmates (aka roommates) are all here!

There are 4 Americans (including myself). Liz from Washington DC, via Baltimore and outside Denver, Ben from Washington DC, via Brooklyn and Alex from Washington DC, via California. If you haven't guessed yet they are interested in International Relations, Economics and Politics. Traseal is from India and Laura is from Germany and our last flatmate is also from Germany (they live in a double room).  Everyone is really nice, friendly and smart.

I have been hanging out mostly with Liz and Ben this week. It has been really nice having them to explore parts of the city with. They are both studying in the realm of international relations but with different concentrations.

On Wednesday we walked to campus, which is about a 40 min walk on foot and about 15-20 min by bus. It is such a beautiful walk to campus. You walk along the Themes past Tower Bridge and Millennium Bridge and cross over the water to get to the financial district where our University (LSE) is located.
Tower Bridge 

Remains of an Abby
Liz and Ben posing for me on Millennium Bridge
It was a beautiful and warm day, which we have come to discover is very rare in sometimes rainy and usual cold London:)

Tower Bridge
We even got to see the bridge raised for a tall ship (which we think was a tourist ship)

One day we ventured to Portobello Road and market. We passed by this monument, called "Monument" which was erected to commemorate the area affected by a terrible fire in the 1700's. This monument was huge (as my elation in the photo will testify to).

We got a chance to check out Portobello Road and went to the famous (or infamous) market on Saturday. This place was so crowded. They sell everything from silverware and furniture to fur coats and crepes. Anything and everything is welcome. This event has become such a tourist destination and it is overwhelming! I cannot wait to go at Christmas! 
Inside a section of the open air market

So many people!  
A man, who lives along the street, watching the tourists and locals. 
I also ate out at a Thai Restaurant, where rice is and extra 2 pounds and they don't chopsticks-crazy! I walked along Oxford and Regent streets (you would compare them to Michigan Ave and State Street) I went to Hyde Park and and venturing back soon to see Princess Di's memorial and soon they are having Anish Kapoor exhibition. This week has been a bit stressful and overwhelming because it is a change but each day becomes easier and I feel more comfortable as time passes. My dorm is nice, in a lovely area, with great flatmates. Of course I wish that the dollar was stronger! 

Next week is official orientation week and I am a bit nervous and a little worried to start classes because I know it will be work but will just wait and see...



ps I think I am slowly starting to understand the rain (or at least tolerate it:)

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