

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The London Dungeon Phenomenon

Living near London Bridge and the Tower of London is wonderful. There are loads of tourists and it is the perfect place for the local attractions to lure them in. I give you the London Dungeon. We don't understand the obsession or the general interest that people have with it but it is fascinating. It is a "horror, underground, theme park ride", which is also expensive. Of course the London Dungeon competes with The London Bridge experience, which is a similar attraction, directly across the street.

On the weekends this place is mobbed by tourists! Lines are so long, and the fascination with this place is unbelievable. I have heard from a couple of people that it is a lot of fun and scary but I'm just can't get past the cheesiness of it all.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Sorry for my long lags in posting. It is very shameful and I will try to never let is happen again. Promise.

I got a part-time job as a server at the Hyatt Churchill Regency Club in London, just off of Oxford street. I'm adjusting to the this new experience, but it is getting some taking use to. So far, I have worked 3 weeks and it is getting better, especially since I am getting to know my colleagues a bit more.

School work is also getting more intense. I have to start my dissertation research, and start my class summative (graded papers) and before you know it, it will be Summer exams and than summer (which might be slightly hindered by dissertation writing...)

So far I have planned a trip to visit my friend Caroline in Bordeaux and while there, I'm planning on taking a train to San Seabastian, in Spain, right on the coast. Should be a fun break! Than the end of March will be crazy with my sister coming, and my friend Maddie, her sister and our friend Holly, coming to London. I am actually getting really excited about it!

Jason, Liz and I rooting on the bears (but I am the only one making a bear face)
As many of your know, the Bears were defeated by the Packers, meaning they didn't get to go to the Superbowl and the Packers won. Yuck. Anyway, American football is not very popular in the UK, and there are only certain pubs that you can go to to watch American sports. One is the Sports Cafe, which is ALWAYS packed, and they usually run out of beer, which is crazy for this country. But it is very crowded and there are a lot of Americans there. We watched the Bears/Seahawks game there, and it was great cause the Bears won!
Stass and Nkese coming to cheer on my home team! 

Utter disappointment 
When the Bears were playing the Packers, we went to another pub in West Kennsington, called Famous Three Kings, and it was less crowded but had a really great atmosphere. Although we did find that more people in the bar were cheering for the Packers (even though they had no affiliation) it was ok. We even met Drake of the Nick show "Drake and Josh" at the bar and his band, who were really cool. But I had a pretty terrible night because the bears lost. My friend Johanna captured the moment. I was a little upset and defeated....

The British like football (soccer), rugby and cricket (a game that I will never understand). They really like football! People will take off work, just to travel to a stadium to see their team, and might even take off a second day to recover from the festivities (if you get my drift). They are very passionate, just like American football and baseball fans. I don't think the British will ever fully understand why Americans love our football so much, and I don't think that soccer will ever become such a passion for the majority of Americas, but who knows, crazy things have happened.

Liz in her Wales shirt, surrounded by England fans
We also attend a Wales v England rugby game, as 6 Nations is occurring at the moment (a European Rugby Championship). We went to a popular pub, and my flatmate Liz was rooting for Wales, while the rest of the pub was rooting for England, which made us the odd ones out and we lost. But we had a excellent time. Sports fans, not matter where they are from are extremely passionate. Sports are a universal language.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


When I got back from my lovely family vacation in Spain and Portugal, I took a couple days of rest in London and then head to Edinburgh with Caroline and Emma!

Birthday-I'm old now. 
We we finally arrived in Scotland, after the most crowded 5 hour train ride ever, it was so crowded in the city because of the festivities. Scotland is so picturesque and looks like a town out of a Charles Dickens novel (or the magical world of Harry Potter). After meeting up with Emma, who was unfortunately battling the flu, we walked around and went out for a lovely dinner in celebration of my birthday. I had delicious curry and a brilliant gin, mint, berry spirit!

Candle Light Walk (one of the many activities) 
Harry Potter Toilet 
Edinburgh celebrates the bringing in of the new year with 4 days of celebration. When we arrived people were participating in the candle light walk (which we thought were people carrying fake swords). The next day was new years eve day and we lounged around, did some sight seeing and visited the coffee shop where JK Rowling wrote the majority of the Harry Potter novels! They even had a decorative toilet and writing all over the bathroom walls. Caroline and I even ventured to a movie, Burlesque, which was not a good movie at all. But Cher was fun? Emma's roommate, Molly, threw a new years party in the dorm, inviting a bunch of her MBA friends and we had such a great time! At 10:15 we ventured to the street party (which was 2 min away) and there were a bunch of stages, people everywhere and overall merriment. The man performing on the stage closest to us, at one point was singing, "I want to be like you" from the Jungle Book. It was so much fun and festive. Soon it was countdown to NYE and than amazing fireworks and sining ensued. New Years was fantastic!

We also went on an underground tour of the underground city in Scotland, which was pretty cool. The streets use to be lower and so they have to put streets over portions of the old city, which created an underground city. During the tour the plague was mentioned a lot and thank goodness we don't have that anymore.

Underground city, haunted room
There was one interesting story (and the photo below I was not suppose to take a photo of, owned by the government?) But this is the haunted room in the city beneath the city. A little girl was locked in this room to die on her own from the black plague. She was very unhappy, until a ghost hunter came to "feel for supernatural beings" and discovered the little girl and the little girls sadness. The ghost hunter decided that all the little wanted was a doll, so the ghost hunter went and bought the little girl and barbie dressed in a kilt (no joke) and the little girl was happy! So now people bring her toys...It was an interesting story and terrible to. During the time of the plague parents needed to decide if they should lock up their infected children in their room to die alone, or have them affect the entire family. Unfortunately there was not a good solution so most children died on their own. 

NYE hello 2011
Anyway, Edinburgh was great and I cannot wait to return when its warmer! 

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Back!

Sorry for the very very long absence! I had such and amazing break and the first week of school has been pretty good, but I have a summative essay due today and that has made things slightly more stressful! I must make it in by 4pm-wish me luck!

This week, I will finalize my class schedule and than my life will be less hectic.

Outside Mosque
My break in Spain and Portugal was amazing! I had such a lovely time with my family and I only wish that it was longer. We went all over in a rented car. Cordoba, Granada, Sevilla, Madrid, Malaga, Lisbon and others.
Delicious pizza 
Cordoba was lovely because it didn't rain, the streets were narrow and confusing and transported you to a different time. I had the best pizza there too! Spanish pizza is surprisingly delicious because the cheese they place on top is fantastic. Granada also has a beautiful Masque and lovely gardens.


We saw a lot of ancient homes and castles as well as forts and walled in cities. We had a guided tour of the Alhambra which is a massive castle with Arabic details and  large, beautiful gardens. Unfortunately it was a bit cold that day.... We travelled to Sevilla, which is beautiful. We saw Flamaco dancing and part took in late night dinner (which is actually regular dinner at 10 pm)!
We traveled to Portugal, which was warm and lovely. Although it did rain a bit while we were on our trip, the bits of sun and warmth made up for it. Portugal has the most interesting language. It is a mix of spanish, dutch, arabic and italian (just to name a few). The country is green and luscious.
Portugal has a very interesting history and a lot of interesting monuments in Lisbon, which tell a story of colonization and rebuilding.

I would love to go back to Madrid and experience more of the city because our time there was a bit too short. I also want to experience Barcelona again because it is on of my favorite places to visit. Spending time with my family was wonderful and I am grateful to have them. The experience was lovely (I mean there are always some bumps in the road) but the experience was well worth it.

Next I will tell you about my Birthday and New Years! Stay tuned! And to see more photos of Spain, check out my facebook or Flickr page!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Week Without Class


So, classes are over for this term! WOOHOO! I am off to Spain and Portugal tomorrow to visit with my family, who flew from Chicago to hangout with me (and of course see the country). I am very excited to relax with them and tour through Spain and Portugal (we have a very tight itinerary:)

This week was very relaxing and fun. I walked around London (when I wasn't trying to get rid of this cold!) and hung out with friends and attempted to make gingerbread houses (which there are none in London, so they were sugar cookie houses, but they worked just as well).

Well off to finish packing, cause I'm rubbish at it, and minimal sleep before I catch the train and plane!

Happy Holidays!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tis the Season

Hey everyone!

It is week 10 of my fall term! Which means that today is my last official day of class this term before break!  I have one last stat class and lab today and than it is break (well I will start my summative essay...but other than that I'm done:) This term has just flown by and I am excited for a break and exploring Spain and Portugal with my family! I leave for Madrid next Thursday and I am crossing my fingers that it doesn't snow! We are spending almost 2 weeks in Madrid, Sevila, Grenada, Porta and Lison. I am very excited to see my parents, my sister and her husband and just chill. Once I get back it is my birthday and new years in Edinburgh! WOOO HOOO!

My formatives went relatively well but now I have to start thinking more about my dissertation and my summative essay. So many things to think about but hopefully I will develop a really interesting idea that I can form into a interesting and fulfilling dissertation.

I went to Stonehenge and Bath this past weekend and it was great! Unfortunately it was very icey near stonehenge so we couldn't get very close but, we got close enough and it was interesting to see.

We than went to Bath! It was pretty crowded there because it is the Christmas season and everyone is out, shopping christmas markets and enjoying the atmosphere. But we saw the Roman Baths, did a bit of shopping, drank mulled wine and spiced cider and got to see Bath. I want to travel back in the Spring for a spa day and go to the Jane Austen Museum!

We had the best tour guy, well the best because he was funny but not very good. He just let his stream of consciousness do the talking and repeated himself a million times but he was entertaining and we learned more about alien abductions and crop circles at Stonehenge than anyone should:)

It has been so cold here! And the British do not believe in putting down salt for environmental reasons. And I am all for the environment but not if it comes at the cost of my safety! I mean they have to learn how to deal with snow (minimal snow) and salt is the perfect solution. Hopefully they will work that out. Oh and they need to invest in snow plows.

We also went to the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, which was basically a summer amusement park but in was cool but for the younger kids and a bit pricey but we had a great time.

Well that is all for now. I am planning for trips for next term because my schedule is more flexible and hopefully a job?:)



ps I bought a plant for the Columbia flower Market and I named him Harry. Hopefully he will survive with the small amount of sun that London produces?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and Caroline!

So I have had a busy week and unfortunately have developed a bit of a cold. Yuck. Hopefully it will get better soon since I only have two weeks left of classes this term! It is hard for me to focus on reading today but perhaps I will feel better tomorrow morning? Fingers crossed!

Indian food
Delicious scones! 
Caroline came to visit me and even though the trip was much too short it was so wonderful to see her. Sometimes you forget just how much you miss your friends that you have known since you were 12 years old. Being away has really made me appreciate the friends and family that I have back home and how important they are in my life. It was nice to have that close friend who knows you so well just hanging out with you. My flatmate Liz made us an excellent meal! Than we went to a "New York" style bar in my neighborhood, which was odd but cool. The next day we went for afternoon tea and the scones and clotted cream we so delicious! And we saw Harry Potter and got Indian food on Brick Lane. Overall it was a very successful (bit it short) visit. The next time I see her it will be my birthday and we will be heading to Edinburgh to celebrate the new year!

Alex stuffed
Turkey carving-yum

My flat and the flat next door decided to throw a Thanksgiving dinner party and it was a major success! We made turkey, sweet potatoes, appetizers, cranberry sauce, roasted veggies, stuffing (I made my dad's delicious corn bread stuffing and it was fantastic), pumpkin pie, pecan pie and a lot more.
They issue we encountered (besides all us Americans attempting our first Thanksgiving with out our families) was the oven! The oven's here are terrible and it takes a million times longer for things to cook. I miss a real family kitchen. Soon though!
Our Feast! 

Flat 5 (my flat)

I saw a play for 10 pounds yesterday called Onassis and it was pretty good. We were in the front row and got wet because a prominent feature in the play is a water feature on the front of the stage....

I have one last formative essay due next Friday and than I have a summative essay due the second week in January but thats it (until next term:) I'm excited for the holidays and my break! Its getting colder and colder here everyday. Oh winter.